2/7/2014 Update: Dives
A couple of posts back, I mentioned that Rumors in the Rock Island District would be “a long term member of my What’s Left list”, owing to the fact that it was only open weekends, and not until 9:00 pm. Because I live 25 miles away (and I’m old), you normally won’t find me in the district at that time. However, Rumors surprised me by opening for the NFL playoffs, so my wife and I were able to stop in at 4:00 pm on a Sunday. This is the fifth bar at that address I’ve been to, and I’d like to tell you about all the changes they’ve made from 4 Play (the most recent failed attempt), but a coat of paint, a couch on the old stage, and removal of the pool table (it might be upstairs, didn't check) are about it. The Steel Head Tavern , adjacent to the Centre Ice skating rink in Moline and owned by the same couple that owns CafĂ© Indigo in Davenport, quietly opened on Jan 16th (about 6 weeks past what the website had stated). I hit it the following Wednesday, and I...