
Showing posts from May, 2014

5/21/2014 Update: 5 years, plus Beach Bars

May 1 st marked the 5th anniversary of counting the Quad Cities bars I've visited.  My original goal was to get to 300 (then 400, 500, 600) over the roughly 17 years I’ve lived in the area, but if you’ve been following along at home, you’ve read that I’ve had a secondary goal lately of trying to hit 400 QCA bars within the 5 years I’ve been tracking my progress.  This is part of what prompted me to go back to the Dew Drop Inn ;  that, plus based on our only other visit some 12 years ago, I had them on my Top 10 Worst Dives list and thought they should be afforded a chance to defend themselves.  As it turns out, my initial assessment was correct; it smells like a hundred yards of ass in there. I also revisited The Meat Market , the place that got me started thinking about all this.  Two changes in the 5 plus years since I went last:  they no longer smoke in the bar (the law went into effect some 9 months prior to my last visit, but that only seemed to ...