9/29/2015 Update:
After a few delays, Gunchie’s has now opened their second location in Rock Island in what was the old Hunter’s Club (most recently, Dyce’s Sports Bar ). Those of you that have been in their west Davenport location will be surprised. The place is modern and full of exposed brick and fieldstone, and plenty of flat screens. Though I haven’t had it yet, many people have told me they have the best pizza in Davenport. I can foresee watching some college football here and seeing how the pizza stacks up against Bad Boy’z or Poor Boys . Spartan’s Pub actually opened almost three months ago in what was the Oceanside Lounge on Hickory Grove Rd. in Davenport, while I was still driving by where I thought it was going to be on Brady, just south of Kimberly (thanks to Rick Martin of quadcitiesdiningguide.com for the heads up). As far as the place I didn’t get the sense that they’d changed much, though it had been a while since I’d been to the Oceanside. St...