4/19/2017: 600!

I was just a young kid with a dream when I embarked on visiting and tallying up all the Quad Cities Bars, after counting up the 166 that, at that time, I figured I’d been to. I started tracking in May of 2009, and since then (through my March update) added 456 and remembered an additional 77. With this update, I’m pleased to announce I’ve gone beyond 600 Quad Cities area bars! Number 600 was Raw , next to the Adler Theater in downtown Davenport. A small and upscale bar, with unique drinks, sashimi, and charcuterie such as wild boar and smoked duck you can pair with some high-end cheeses. The only downside on the night we visited was the bartenders were playing hip hop and techno, which won’t attract the type of people willing to pay $9-11 for a cocktail. Treehouse , originally set to open in August finally did open on New Year’s Eve. They have a beautiful location on Duck Creek in Bettendorf with a deck that spans the length of the restaurant, and plan...