8/12/2015 Update:
Barrel House opened its third restaurant / bar on Utica Ridge in Davenport, in what was 100 Montaditos. No extensive remodeling from the miniature Spanish sandwich place that it had been, except to lengthen the bar (which was really just the cash register before), and open up the unused space on the south side. The result is more like the original in downtown Davenport than the one in Moline with its expansive bar. I knew Muddy Waters in Bettendorf had been sold some months back, but it took until July for them to change the name to Harley Corin’s . Since that was the only change that I could see, I wondered why it had taken them so long. It was explained to me that in changing the name, they wanted to step back from being known solely as a blues bar. I asked who was scheduled to play in the near future: Mercury Brothers, Avey Brothers, Zac Harris. I guess there will be a transition time. Welcome back to a familiar name in Daven...