11/23/2011 Update – Happy Thanksgiving

Well, Rubikon finally opened its doors in downtown Moline on Friday the 11th, and it took me all the way until Wednesday before I could stop in.  Inside is structurally not much different than its predecessor (Tailgater’s), but much newer and cleaner.  They’re trying a bit of a Jekyll and Hyde approach, with being a coffee lounge in the day (although it wasn’t clear to me if they have or plan on having food) and a bar at night.  They also still have “Print”, “Fax”, “Email”, and “Copy” decals stuck to their window, but I didn’t notice any office equipment inside.  The official Grand Opening is set for New Year’s Eve, so it’s wasn’t exceedingly busy at 6:00 pm mid week.  The list stands at 415.

As to what’s new in the QC, Bobbie’s is now open in what used to be Au Jus in Rock Island (or Milan, not sure where the dividing line is), and I have it on strong authority (thanks, Steve) that the former 3rd & 22, east of the RI District, is becoming Rooster’s Sport’s Bar and Grill.  With that, my What’s Left list goes to 18


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