4/15/2015 Update

On my last blog, I set a high bar (so to speak) with a goal of hitting half a dozen new bars for this post, and actually surpassed it by adding 7 to my list:
Under the Redstone Room is Falbo Brother’s Pizzeria.  I never thought much about Mojo’s, which preceded Falbo Bros, as a possibility to add to my list because I wasn't sure if it had an actual bar, so I didn’t give the new place much thought either.  It wasn't until I went with a group of friends to see Samantha Fish at the Redstone Room that I paid any attention and saw they did have a  bar, and not just beer as I think Mojo’s was.  They even have a bottle of Johnny Walker Blue up on the top shelf!  Not only that, but good hot subs and occasional entertainment at lunch, and those that have had it say their pizza is good.

Moe’s Burger & Brews opened in Rock Island on just after St. Patrick’s Day, and it’s the only new bar for this post that I've hit twice.  When there the first time, I didn't perceive any décor changes from D’Alessandro’s, what it was when I first visited it.  I did find the menu pretty intriguing, and went back for lunch two days later.  Moe’s joins Blue Cat and Valley Inn as the only places in the Quad Cities I’m aware of that serve Scotch Eggs (hard boiled eggs encased in ground sausage, typically served with ranch; Blue Cat’s are better, Valley Inn’s suck).  Unfortunately I ordered the Thai Curry Shrimp burger along with it, and they both came at the same time.  By the time I got to the burger, it was a little chilly and gelatinous.  One unique thing about Moe’s is that it’s a half story down, making them and Blackhawk Bowl & Martini Bar the only subterranean bars in the QC, since Below Brady closed.

Lampliter Inn in Walcott became eligible when I was able to expand my area through the use of Mapquest, as it is barely less than the maximum 20 miles from I-74 bridge, my guide in determining the ‘Quad Cities Area’.  The expanded area is what led me to Don’s Pub in Donahue, which I thought was a nice friendly dive bar.  What the Lampliter has in common with Don’s is that it’s a dive, but neither the bartender nor patrons were friendly, and my first impression of this place and the surrounding junkyard it’s situated in was almost post-apocalyptic. 

I was mistaken – Cru is not located in Union Arcade, but just to the south under the Arthur Murray Dance Studio, in what had been a series of coffee shops through the years.  Cru is latest in a trend started by The Grape Life of being a lounge that sells wine (actually, The Grape Life is a wine store with a lounge; 129, R Bar, and now Cru are lounges that sell wine).  I went in a couple days before their grand opening, and it still was a little incomplete as far as décor.  What was there was pretty nice – stainless steel bar, high top tables fashioned from railroad ties (one of which had its own table mounted corkscrew, which they plan to add to the others), cool calendar and wine list.  They were also a little short on beer, wine, and spirits – I’m sure they’re stocked up by now, and it’s worth another trip,

Like The Lampliter Inn, The Office Bar in Sherrard is another place I found was in my range;  unlike the Lampliter, it was friendly, though not as busy.  It was also a lot larger than I would have guessed from the outside, all enclosed in light wood paneling, and there is a long fenced-in patio to the side.

Happy Joe’s PizzaGrille opened a few months back at what was The Hat in west Davenport, but I was only recently told that it had a bar, and actually a pretty nice one at that.  It’s been a few years since I've been to The Hat, but it seemed completely rearranged.

Anyone that had ever been to Jammerz Roadhouse won’t have any trouble recognizing Country Pub & Grub; new owner, new name, same décor, same location that keeps me from going there at night, what with deer, raccoon, and being a pretty easy target for the police.  First time I was in Jammerz it was rather rundown, but the last owner fixed and cleaned it up, and for me it was a pretty pleasant afternoon drinking spot, and it looks like it will remain so.

That puts me at 555, and feeling for the first time like I have a viable shot at 600 in 2015.

Other bar news:

  • Though I didn't mention it in my last post, I had noticed Lumpy’s in Davenport had closed, and it looked like they sold or leased a large amount of their space to a tattoo parlor.  Since then, I see the remaining space is becoming Harrison Street Pub, and looks really close to opening.
  • Another one that looks on the verge is the Rock Island location of Gunchie’s, which will be in the old Hunter’s Club on 4th Ave., and was most recently Dyce’s Sports Bar.
  • Some of the patrons at Hard Times in Moline apparently missed the place enough to buy it and reopen it.  Different owners but same name, so I can’t add it to my list
  • The sign at what will be Kutch & Tob’s Bicycle Rack in Davenport still says it’s opening in March, but I've noticed there has been a lot of activity going on.  May might be possible
  • The RiverBottom ChopHouse in Port Byron has changed hands.  The owner of Harrington’s has purchased the business, but no immediate changes are planned, I’m told.
  • Bricks are going on the walls at the Green Tree Brewery in LeClaire, and they’re shooting for a June opening.  Likewise, the sign at the upcoming Utica Ridge location of The Barrel House says they’re shooting for ‘early summer’.
  • The Wendy’s restaurant on Brady across from K Mart is going through some construction, and will become what I’m told will be Spartan’s Pub.
  • Rumor mill:  Ownership of Bad Boy’z Pizza are considering opening a bourbon bar;  people involved with Pints are looking at opening a bar near 53rd and Northwest in Davenport;  and the Irish bar I mentioned last post location would not be next to Ducky’s Formal Wear, but on the corner of the building next to Subway.
  • In January’s post, I wrote that the Platinum Club in Rock Island had closed before I was able to get there.  Since then, it reopened as Cheep Shotz (billing itself as a UFC bar), but is now closed again.
  • It was a bad month for bars on my Top Ten Worst Dives list, as the Li’l Cow Bell in East Moline and Shannon’s in Hampton also closed.  I’ll have to find a couple to replace them, and I’m thinking the Lampliter Inn is a likely candidate to take one of the spots.  I’ll update the list next post.
  • Blu Shamrock in Cordova surprised some people when it closed for the summer last year.  This year, they plan on closing on April 19, but this time it’s permanent.

Hitting seven bars, plus closings and new prospects, has got my What’s Left list at 13, of which 6 have yet to open.  If all goes well, I’ll hit 560 by the next post!

Bars since the Mar 8 post ( * - new to my list):

Governor's (Bettendorf)
Bent River Brewery
RiverBottom ChopHouse
Parkside Grill
Bierstube Moline
Broken Saddle Saloon
Bad Boy'z Pizza
Pub 1848
Steel Head Tavern
The Phoenix
Rudy's Cantina
* Country Pub & Grub
The Doc's Inn
R Bar
Old Palace
Red Ginger
The Edge
Go Fish
Grumpy's Saloon
* Happy Joe's Pizza Grille
* The Office Bar
Rick and Kathy's
Governor's (Moline)
Barrel House
Backwater Jack's
Bottoms Up
11th St Precinct
Duck City Bistro
* Cru
* Lampliter Inn
Riverview Roadhouse
* Moe's Burgers & Brews
* Falbo Bros. Pizzeria
Bierstube LeClaire
Kavanaugh's Hilltop
Polish Pub
Redstone Room
Woodfire Grill
Osaka (Dav.)
Buffalo Wild Wings (Dav.)
Legends Corner
P. K. Dugan's


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