3/8/2011 Update: Hard Target Search

Wednesday, I headed to the northern boundary of what I’ve defined as the Quad Cities area to Eldridge (back on my first post I set roughly about a 20 mile radius from I74 bridge, which includes Davenport, Bettendorf, Leclaire, Princeton, Buffalo, Eldridge, Rock Island, Moline, East Moline, Silvis, Hampton, Rapids City, Port Byron, Cordova, Carbon Cliff, Colona, Coal Valley, Milan, and Andalusia), and stopped at Del’s Eatery & Pub and Al & Gerry’s Tap.  Also hit the Blackwatch Room on Thursday.  New total: 343.

As I get down to only a few possibilities left for adding to my list, I’ve gone on a few reconnaissance missions to verify the Yahoo Local / QCTimes.com information I’ve been working with, as to what places are open or no longer in business.  My last couple of scouting trips eliminated Buck’s Tap, Cozy Nook, and the Drunken Monkey from my ‘To Go’ list.  Unfortunately, I’m almost knocking as many off the list by attrition as I am by bellying up.  Despite that, only 48 of the 343 are closed (or no longer in the Bar/Restaurant business), and 43 have changed names and owners.  Heard an unsubstantiated rumor that a bar is going in by Jewel in Silvis, and the Clubhouse in Bettendorf, which will have four golf simulators, should be open by mid-March. 


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