1/5/2012 Update – Jinx?

I’m beginning to think my blog might be having the same effect as the Madden curse.  After writing in multiple editions about the pending, then actual, opening of the Beach House, four short months later it closes.  Less than two weeks ago I listed the Bierstube in the East Village as one of my top ten favorites, and it closed after New Year’s Eve.  I’m glad I won’t have to wait long for the next iteration – the sign on the door says it will be back open on the 6th of January, but I don’t know what it will be known as.  The only information I've got is that Katy from McClellan’s Stockade, along with her two sisters, are the new owners.  Best of luck to them, and I hope they keep the escargot!

My additions to the list for this update include the Rustic Inn in Eldridge, and Jimmie O’s in west Davenport, which was known up until recently as Carole’s Tap.  If it hadn’t changed ownership and names, I probably would never have gone back there, but it adds to the total.  I’m now at 419, and my ‘What’s Left” list is down to 15.

As always, when someone asks how many QC area bars I’ve been to, the common response is “I didn’t know there were that many!”  Of course there’s not, and probably close to a third on my list are either closed or have changed names / ownership.  I also count restaurants, bowling alleys, golf courses, and the best invention in clothing care since the fabric softener sheet, the Scrub Pub.  My plan for the next update is to create a directory listing the current bars open in the Quad Cities area.


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