04/27/2013 Update: Stuck In Rudy’s Syndrome

As I stated in my very first post, and now can be found on my “Premise” page, my guideline for what I can put on my list is:

a) It has to be generally considered a bar, or

b) If not generally considered a bar, or is actually a bar but in a place you normally wouldn’t consider a destination solely to have a drink (these would include restaurants, bowling alleys, golf clubhouses, comedy clubs, ball parks, OTB’s, casinos, hotels, or airports), it physically has to have a bar, and I have to sit at that bar and have a drink.

The result of this is that out of my current total of 482 (with the addition of The Faithful Pilot in Leclaire, and  Rudy’s Tacos on 16th St in Moline), 84 of these aren’t what most folk would consider a ‘Bar’.  One reason I bring this up is that when I add a Rudy’s Tacos or a Bowlmor Lounge (where I’ve never actually bowled), I feel a little like I’m cheating, though I’m within the rules that I’ve set forth.  After all, the name of the blog is “QCBars”.  Though many are not, some of the 84 that are still open are included in my Bar Directory for those that share my broader definition of what constitutes a bar.

The other reason I mention this is that some of these places are damn fine spots to knock a few back.

There are quite a few restaurant bars we like.  When I lived in Fort Wayne, IN, our after work hangout was Red Lobster, and the one in Davenport is 4 times the size with as many TVs as half the bars in the QCA.   The Star Bar at Le Figaro (Rock Island) not only has great tapas, but one of the best bartenders in the Quad Cities in Daryl.  Other good restaurant bars include The Chop Bar at Bass Street Chop House, Johnny’s Italian, and La Flama in Moline; Mo Brady’s in Davenport; and Trattoria Tiramisu in Bettendorf.  Not all my favorite restaurant bars are in more upscale eateries; Harris Pizza and Goombazz in Rock Island are both good choices. 

While the Bix Lounge in the Blackhawk Hotel is more of a destination, we like the Black Bear in the Lodge in Bettendorf, and the Waterfall Lounge in the Radisson was our first stop after running the Bix in our younger days.  Besides Fargo and Skinny Legs, which I consider destination bars, there really aren’t many good bowling alley bars since Plaza Lanes in Bettendorf closed.  As for golf courses, I like Hidden Hills and Olathea’s bars, and we’ve been known to hang at the bar at Red Dog Run (when it was open) for far longer than the round took.

My favorite non-destination bar?  Nothing better than sitting overlooking right field with the river and Centennial Bridge over your shoulder, under a thatch roof, putting down some $4 tall boys at the Tiki Bar at Modern Woodmen Park.

Tiki Bar at Modern Woodmen Park
Star Bar (Le Figaro)
Rock Island
Bass Street Chop House
Waterfall Lounge (Radisson Hotel)
Johnny's Italian Steakhouse
Hidden Hills Golf Course
Black Bear Lounge (The Lodge)
Red Lobster
La Flama  
Trattoria Tiramasu
Honorable Mention:
The Grotto (Black Ram)
Rock Island
Harris Pizza  
Rock Island
Olathea Golf Course

In bar news:  Yeti has reopened as Thai Basils, the second time the location has been a Thai restaurant.  Work proceeds at the Moline Barrel House, Pub 1848, and whatever Rubikon is going to become, but I think the Plaza Pub won’t open until the rink goes back up in Bass Street Landing.  While no definite date has been set, it does seem like It’s On The River will be opening soon; the new owners at Go Fish! In Princeton has already opened, though the Grand Opening is scheduled for today.

In bartender news, Bob at G’s Riverfront Café and Nasreen at Mulligan’s Valley Pub have made career moves that take them from my Favorite Current to Favorite Past Bartenders list.  Bob’s brother, Matt, promptly replaces him on the Favorite Current list.  He actually should have been on the list already, but, as I’ve mentioned before, I try not to exhibit too much favoritism towards particular bars (I’ve also said before that the biggest reason I return to bars is because of the staff, so…).  Amy, previously at Governor’s, has returned to the Quad Cities and is working at Buffalo Wild Wings in Davenport, so she’s back on the Current list.

Unless I can chalk up 18 new bars in the next four days, I will have failed at my goal of getting to 500 within four years.  Guess I’ll continue my quest for another year.


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